using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Printing; using System.Collections; namespace TyroDeveloperDLL { public class Ticket { ArrayList headerLines = new ArrayList(); ArrayList subHeaderLines = new ArrayList(); ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); ArrayList totales = new ArrayList(); ArrayList footerLines = new ArrayList(); private Image headerImage = null; bool _DrawItemHeaders = true; int count = 0; int maxChar = 40; int maxCharDescription = 20; int imageHeight = 0; float leftMargin = 0; float topMargin = 3; string fontName = "Courier New"; int fontSize = 9; Font printFont = null; SolidBrush myBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black); Graphics gfx = null; string line = null; public Ticket() { } public Image HeaderImage { get { return headerImage; } set { if (headerImage != value) headerImage = value; } } public int MaxChar { get { return maxChar; } set { if (value != maxChar) maxChar = value; } } public bool DrawItemHeaders{ set { _DrawItemHeaders = value; } } public int MaxCharDescription { get { return maxCharDescription; } set { if (value != maxCharDescription) maxCharDescription = value; } } public int FontSize { get { return fontSize; } set { if (value != fontSize) fontSize = value; } } public string FontName { get { return fontName; } set { if (value != fontName) fontName = value; } } public void AddHeaderLine(string line) { headerLines.Add(line); } public void AddSubHeaderLine(string line) { subHeaderLines.Add(line); } public void AddItem(string cantidad, string item, string price) { OrderItem newItem = new OrderItem('?'); items.Add(newItem.GenerateItem(cantidad, item, price)); } public void AddTotal(string name, string price) { OrderTotal newTotal = new OrderTotal('?'); totales.Add(newTotal.GenerateTotal(name, price)); } public void AddFooterLine(string line) { footerLines.Add(line); } private string AlignRightText(int lenght) { string espacios = ""; int spaces = maxChar - lenght; for (int x = 0; x < spaces; x++) espacios += " "; return espacios; } private string DottedLine() { string dotted = ""; for (int x = 0; x < maxChar; x++) dotted += "="; return dotted; } public bool PrinterExists(string impresora) { foreach (String strPrinter in PrinterSettings.InstalledPrinters) { if (impresora == strPrinter) return true; } return false; } public void PrintTicket(string impresora) { printFont = new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Regular); PrintDocument pr = new PrintDocument(); pr.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = impresora; pr.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pr_PrintPage); pr.Print(); } public void PrintTicketPreview(string impresora) { printFont = new Font(fontName, fontSize, FontStyle.Regular); PrintDocument pr = new PrintDocument(); pr.PrinterSettings.PrinterName = impresora; pr.PrintPage += new PrintPageEventHandler(pr_PrintPage); PrintPreviewDialog _Preview = new PrintPreviewDialog(); _Preview.Document = pr; _Preview.ShowDialog(); } private void pr_PrintPage(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e) { e.Graphics.PageUnit = GraphicsUnit.Millimeter; gfx = e.Graphics; DrawImage(); DrawHeader(); DrawSubHeader(); DrawItems(); DrawTotales(); DrawFooter(); if (headerImage != null) { HeaderImage.Dispose(); headerImage.Dispose(); } } private float YPosition() { return topMargin + (count * printFont.GetHeight(gfx) + imageHeight); } private void DrawImage() { if (headerImage != null) { try { gfx.DrawImage(headerImage, new Point((int)leftMargin, (int)YPosition())); double height = ((double)headerImage.Height / 58) * 15; imageHeight = (int)Math.Round(height) + 3; } catch (Exception) { } } } private void DrawHeader() { foreach (string header in headerLines) { if (header.Length > maxChar) { int currentChar = 0; int headerLenght = header.Length; while (headerLenght > maxChar) { line = header.Substring(currentChar, maxChar); gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; currentChar += maxChar; headerLenght -= maxChar; } line = header; gfx.DrawString(line.Substring(currentChar, line.Length - currentChar), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } else { line = header; gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } } DrawEspacio(); } private void DrawSubHeader() { foreach (string subHeader in subHeaderLines) { if (subHeader.Length > maxChar) { int currentChar = 0; int subHeaderLenght = subHeader.Length; while (subHeaderLenght > maxChar) { line = subHeader; gfx.DrawString(line.Substring(currentChar, maxChar), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; currentChar += maxChar; subHeaderLenght -= maxChar; } line = subHeader; gfx.DrawString(line.Substring(currentChar, line.Length - currentChar), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } else { line = subHeader; gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; line = DottedLine(); gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } } DrawEspacio(); } private void DrawItems() { OrderItem ordIt = new OrderItem('?'); if (_DrawItemHeaders) { gfx.DrawString("CANT DESCRIPCION IMPORTE", printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); } count++; DrawEspacio(); foreach (string item in items) { line = ordIt.GetItemCantidad(item); gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); line = ordIt.GetItemPrice(item); line = AlignRightText(line.Length) + line; gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); string name = ordIt.GetItemName(item); leftMargin = 0; if (name.Length > maxCharDescription) { int currentChar = 0; int itemLenght = name.Length; while (itemLenght > maxCharDescription) { line = ordIt.GetItemName(item); gfx.DrawString(" " + line.Substring(currentChar, maxCharDescription), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; currentChar += maxCharDescription; itemLenght -= maxCharDescription; } line = ordIt.GetItemName(item); gfx.DrawString(" " + line.Substring(currentChar, line.Length - currentChar), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } else { gfx.DrawString(" " + ordIt.GetItemName(item), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } } leftMargin = 0; DrawEspacio(); line = DottedLine(); gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; DrawEspacio(); } private void DrawTotales() { OrderTotal ordTot = new OrderTotal('?'); foreach (string total in totales) { line = ordTot.GetTotalCantidad(total); line = AlignRightText(line.Length) + line; gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); leftMargin = 0; line = "" + ordTot.GetTotalName(total); gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } leftMargin = 0; DrawEspacio(); DrawEspacio(); } private void DrawFooter() { foreach (string footer in footerLines) { if (footer.Length > maxChar) { int currentChar = 0; int footerLenght = footer.Length; while (footerLenght > maxChar) { line = footer; gfx.DrawString(line.Substring(currentChar, maxChar), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; currentChar += maxChar; footerLenght -= maxChar; } line = footer; gfx.DrawString(line.Substring(currentChar, line.Length - currentChar), printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } else { line = footer; gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } } leftMargin = 0; DrawEspacio(); } private void DrawEspacio() { line = ""; gfx.DrawString(line, printFont, myBrush, leftMargin, YPosition(), new StringFormat()); count++; } } public class OrderItem { char[] delimitador = new char[] { '?' }; public OrderItem(char delimit) { delimitador = new char[] { delimit }; } public string GetItemCantidad(string orderItem) { string[] delimitado = orderItem.Split(delimitador); return delimitado[0]; } public string GetItemName(string orderItem) { string[] delimitado = orderItem.Split(delimitador); return delimitado[1]; } public string GetItemPrice(string orderItem) { string[] delimitado = orderItem.Split(delimitador); return delimitado[2]; } public string GenerateItem(string cantidad, string itemName, string price) { return cantidad + delimitador[0] + itemName + delimitador[0] + price; } } public class OrderTotal { char[] delimitador = new char[] { '?' }; public OrderTotal(char delimit) { delimitador = new char[] { delimit }; } public string GetTotalName(string totalItem) { string[] delimitado = totalItem.Split(delimitador); return delimitado[0]; } public string GetTotalCantidad(string totalItem) { string[] delimitado = totalItem.Split(delimitador); return delimitado[1]; } public string GenerateTotal(string totalName, string price) { return totalName + delimitador[0] + price; } } }
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